Geared Traction Machine
Geared Traction Machine
Geared Traction Machine
Geared Traction Machine
Geared Traction Machine
Geared Traction Machine
Gearless Traction Machine
Gearless Traction Machine
Gearless Traction Machine
The elevator control panel holds all the power supply units, orchestrates all the operations, and ensures safety. Other functions like registering or cancelling the car calls, door control, measurement of the carload, and the speed are handled by the elevator control panels.
MR Integrated Control Panel
Standard Panel
MRL Control Panel
VVVF drive
Variable Voltage Variable Frequency (VVVF) Lift Drive employs frequency inverter technology which regulates input voltage and frequency throughout the journey, drawing much less current during acceleration and deceleration.
An Overspeed governor is an elevator device that acts as a stopping mechanism in case the elevator runs beyond its rated speed.